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Tag: Google Glass

IBM patents Google Glass-like eyewear with new night vision technology

IBM has patented an eye-gear that is said to have red-eyed night vision. Although this does not promise a true night vision, the device...
smart contact lenses

Samsung patents smart contact lenses armed with a built-in camera, sensors

Samsung’s dream of creating smart contact lenses capable of capturing images and shooting videos has just drawn closer. The company has been granted the...

Google Glass, Microsoft HoloLens, Oculus & HTC Vive: Virtual Reality Demystified!

A few years ago, the Virtual Reality market was more a science fiction aspect and less on a consumer segment. After three years of...

Google X research labs hires Apple engineer to focus on Battery research to fuel...

A team of Google engineers are working on the next generation of batteries to power its devices. Google is entering in Consumer Electronics business...

Google to stop sales of Glass from Monday, shuts down Explorer program

Google is withdrawing Google Glass from sale in the markets, with a promise of introducing an upgrade by the end of the year. Critics...

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