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Tag: Exoplanet

Traces of Titanium Oxide Detected on Exoplanet by VLT

In an astonishing discovery, atmosphere astronomers have successfully detected titanium oxide for the first time in an exoplanet. Elyar Sedaghati, an ESO fellow and...

NASA scientists discover new Earth size exoplanet colder than Hoth

NASA scientists have discovered a new planet, which is almost the same size of the Earth but it’s colder for human habitation. The new...

Earth-like planet GJ 1132b discovered by Chile Astronomers 39 Light Years away

About 39 light years away from the Earth, stands a planet that has been found to have a lot of similarities with our home...

Astronomers discover infant version of Jupiter 100 light years away from Earth

Chile: Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet, named 51 Eridani b, not more than 100 light years away from earth. The find was made by...

Isolated Uranus-sized exoplanet discovered using Gravitational Microlensing

Astronomers have confirmed the presence of an exoplanet as massive as the Uranus orbiting 370 million miles from its parent star, which is only...

NASA discovers Kepler 452b, exoplanet most akin to Earth 1400 Light years away

NASA continues its quest for Earth-like planets with the aid of its planet-hunting spacecraft, Kepler. Astronomers have recently discovered a planet much akin to...

What makes the Discovery of Distant Exoplanet By NASA so important?

NASA’s astronomers recently made a discovery of an exoplanet placed around 13,000 light-years far from the earth, opening the possibilities of planetary mapping and...

Researchers discover Exoplanet with 1000 kms wind speed and 1650 degrees heat in atmosphere

The team of astrophysicists from the universities of Geneva (UNIGE), Bern, and the Planets National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) have discovered an...

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