Home News After surgical strikes, Indian hackers ready for cyber attacks on Pakistan

After surgical strikes, Indian hackers ready for cyber attacks on Pakistan

As reported by the Indian authorities,  a team of cyber security personnel have succeeded in gaining access to critical Pakistani government websites and digital infrastructure. The team is waiting for any possible strike command from the Indian government.

Speaking at the National Cyber Defense Summit, the Additional – Director General of the National Cyber Safety and Security Standards, Mr. S Amar Prasad Reddy, informed that a team of hackers from India has successfully penetrated the online infrastructure of Pakistan including the defense systems of the country and some gov.pk websites.

Indian hackers awaiting a go ahead from the govt.

He said in a quote to the Hindu that the cyber agency in India is ready and waiting for a go-ahead command from the government. The agency is prepared to destroy Pakistan’s online infrastructure Mr. Reddy further informed that the anticipatory action was planned and started shortly after the Pakistan sponsored terrorist attack at Pathankot on January 2.

The officer very confidently claimed that the team involved in hacking Pakistani defense system and government sites is fully prepared to destroy the cyber assets and the digital network of Pakistan.

Indian cyber infrastructure security tightened:

When asked about the safety and security of Indian cyber infrastructure and crucial cyber assets of Indian government, the officer told that teams of cyber experts have been deployed to take care and guard our own sites. He said that advance systems have been placed to safeguard most crucial cyber assets of the nation.

He, however, told that around 10 lakhs cyber security personnel are needed to protect the cyber structure of all the states of the country. He assured that the team of experts is monitoring everything carefully and Indian digital system if fully safe.

In recent years Pakistani hackers have made several unsuccessful attempts to attack the cyber system of India. Pakistan has recently started using social media networks in India to trigger ethnic conflicts in India.