Smartphones smartphones smartphones.. They are everywhere. In your pocket, on your table, on your bed, on your mind, everywhere! It ‘s hard to imagine life these days without them. But what keeps the blood pumping is the fact that there is at any given point some new technology that has just made its first appearance.
Some of them are most welcome, and some others not so much. So much that our mind at times vividly picturises reactions but our body can’t be bothered to project them, or we just avoid creating a scene. Not all have so much control over their senses and some of these become superheroes. Here’s how we thought they would react when they hear about things in the smartphone world:
Dr. Banner trying his hands on the new Corning Gorilla Glass:
Ouch! That one got smashed easily!
When The Avengers hear about the ‘OCTA’-core processor:
Poor Spidey! (for those who did not get it: The Avengers are seven including Nick Fury)
The Cap trying to lift the new Asus Zenfone Zoom:
When Aquaman learns that his new smartphone is waterproof:
When Ironman’s new MediaTek processor phone freezes:
That’s how you deal with phones that hang!
When Tony Stark sees a phone with no front camera:
About modular phones:
One more one more.. one more…
When Thor gets the real Hammer in his hands:
Now that, my dear friend, is true power!
When everyone finds out that the new iOS is nothing but a copy of Android!
Afterall.. It is customary to save the best for the last.
Alright, that’s it from my end. Do not forget to share the joy if you like this post. Also, feel free to suggest some more!