Home News Solar Eclipse A Remarkable Event For Hampton Roads Locals

Solar Eclipse A Remarkable Event For Hampton Roads Locals

On August 21, the United States of America will experience what NASA describes as a great event after a decade. As people avail themselves to various places that will enable them to experience the eclipse, the total phase of the solar eclipse may not be visible in Hampton. The roadside residents will view a partial solar eclipse as the moon covers a portion of the Sun. Hence the sights will the spectacular.

The total solar eclipse of the sun will cut across the continental U.S. starting from the end of Northwest up to Southwest for the first time in 99 years. In a span of minutes, the day will turn to the night then back again confusing people and animals. The astronomers and other planetary experts have been waiting impatiently for this event for many years and they are glad the moment has come.

In Oregon, the local officials are expecting the Madras point to be busy as people will gather there to experience the closer view of the eclipse which is directly located on the path of totality of the eclipse. The place is anticipated to turn into total darkness for about 2 minutes. The Madras is envisaged to be one of the best viewing spots for the eclipse due to clear and high-desert skies and flat mountain views.

At the moment, every accommodation facility is already fully booked in Madras and the local residents are renting out their homes to foreigners at a fee ranging from $3,000 per night. There are also camping facilities being installed for the once-in-lifetime event. More than 100,000 are expected to camp around Madras area.

At Hampton, the totality is imagined to peak at about 88% though scientists say that it won’t be enough. The event may just slip through people who will be too busy to notice any unusual thing on that day.

According to Physicist Kelly Herbst, to view the solar eclipse people at Hampton and even other places need proper tools to enable them to glance at the event. Herbst and other local astronomers from Hampton are planning to get out of town to other areas that would have clear views such as Madras in Oregon.