Four simple lifehacks on how not to waste time but be productive on Internet

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While most of the online population tend to believe in the power of Internet, there are a bunch of people who always fail to realize its true potential. Sure Internet can be a great source of Entertainment; however, one has to make sure that this norm doesn’t easily devalue an importance of his/her valuable time.

So the question arises, what are some of the productive ways one should adopt in order to spend valuable time on the Internet?

If achieving a great amount of productivity online is something you have in mind, reading this article would be your first baby step towards building it up.

1. Less chatting, more reading

This sounds boring isn’t it? Well, not really. Do you even realize an amount of time you spend while chatting on Facebook, IMs or any other social networking websites? According to a recent study, people spend 87 percent of their daily average Internet time on online chatting.

We’re not saying NO to chatting. Of course not! Even we at PC-Tablet chat online with our fellow teammates to get certain things done. All we are saying is to cut these numbers down to an extent to which you can do other useful things without disturbing your entire work schedule.

If you cut these numbers down to half, around 44 percent of your daily average Internet time can be occupied by something as productive as reading. Reading doesn’t kill your time. In fact, you can keep learning new things out of it. You can read blogs, news websites, online literature, or simply anything you wish. By this we don’t mean Scoopwhoop, Buzzfeed, or

Even if you spend daily 1 hour on reading online, you are already spending quality time on the Internet. Cheerio!

2. One step at a time

Multitasking on the Internet is one of the worst time wasters that you should avoid. Believe us. Here we are not binding you with any particular thing. You are in fact a free bird to fly anywhere you want on the Internet. All you need is ensure that you do not jump on your next big thing unless you finish your earlier task.

Are you chatting on Facebook? Finish it. Are you watching some funny video on YouTube? Finish it. Are you streaming your favorite song on Spotify? Just finish it before getting started with something else. Are you reading this article? You got my point, right?

3. Make a To-do List

“Before you eat the elephant, make sure you know what parts you want to eat!” ― Todd Stocker

When you don’t plan things out on the Internet, you lose onto exploiting opportunities that benefit themselves, and you go for the easy way out. Getting distracted from your actual work is exactly what we’re trying to explain. This can be avoided with the help of easy-to-use reminder apps and services like Any.Do,, Google Keep, Wunderlist, etc.

If you are Google Chrome user, there are wonderful extensions and apps that allows you to maintain To-do lists are available, use them! And if you’re a Windows user, use Sticky Notes or OneNote.

Wunderlist and OneNote are cross platform apps and available mostly on every other operating platform. They even syncs your lists and make them available on all your connected devices.

We also recommend to use maintaining manual To-do lists, keep a diary with you. I personally loves to use a notebook and pen. You can go the old way as well. The main purpose is to get the things in position so that you’ll never forget a work.

Now again, never be a multi-tasker, always pick one thing to-do at a time. Once finished, then move to the other one.

4. Follow the 2-Minute Rule

Procrastination can be a huge mess especially when we get busy with something drastically important. We don’t generally postpone our important tasks for the sake of our inability. We mainly do it because we cannot easily overcome the laziness. However, it can be eliminated with the help of something termed as the “2-Minute Rule.”

If you want to master the 2-minute rule, all you need is work according to these two scenarios. Firstly, if the task you are procrastinating takes less than 2 minutes, do it right away. i.e. sending an email, online bill payment, reading important news headlines etc. Secondly, get started with this new habit and things you generally procrastinate should take less than two minutes to finish.

If you know more such techniques which help you to spend quality time on the Internet, let us know in comments.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin started PC-Tablet because of his keen interest in space research, technology, and gadgets. He is an avid reader, technology enthusiast, and like to explore new places. His passion for knowledge keeps him running all the time.