Home News Scientists develop breakthrough technology to find aliens in the universe

Scientists develop breakthrough technology to find aliens in the universe

In a breakthrough, researchers have developed a chip which will help astronomers see and discern aliens in another world. The hunt for aliens and extraterrestrial life continues in spite of warnings by eminent scientist Stephen Hawkings about the eminent dangers with such moves. Scientists have now perfected a chip which will enable astronomers to peek at distant galaxies and potentially habitable planets.

The new chip can be fitted in any telescope and will provide high-quality pictures of distant worlds. The chip will provide high resolutions images even in the presence of intense sunlight. This is not possible with present-day telescopes. The project is headed by Dr. Madden from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering who details the broad objectives of the project is to find potentially inhabitable planets like the Earth.

The latest chip equipped telescopes will enable scientists to find out how planets are formed inside dust clouds. This experience will be used to find planets where there is an atmosphere containing Ozone which is one of the prime requirements for life.

Astronomers worked for over a decade to perfect this chip. The scientists had to try different optical materials which will go into making the chip. The chip had light cancellation properties much akin to materials which have noise cancellation properties. It was more like an interferometer which excludes the intense light coming from Sun and allows weak lights are coming from distant planets to enter the telescope.

For filtering out the intense sunlight entering the telescope, the chip adds equal but opposite light waves and leads to interference and allows the astronomers to view the light waves coming from distant galaxies.

The chip utilizes the heat emitted by the planet to look beyond the dust clouds and see the formation of planets. The same technology will enable scientists to detect Ozone on the alien planet which could support life.