Home News Samsung introduces new collaborative social network, Waffle

Samsung introduces new collaborative social network, Waffle

Joining the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, Samsung has showcased a new social network named, Waffle. The name was coined taking into account the grid based interface and is available for Android in beta mode, with the public availability around the end of 2016.

Waffle, though not yet officially released offers a new and differentiated service that illustrates multiple points of view to generate a collaborative story.

In a statement, Joseph Kim who is the Samsung’s creative head for the project revealed that Waffle enables users to add their own personalized opinion and feedback to someone else’s content and vice versa.

To illustrate, if you post a birthday party image, your friends will be able to add their own videos and photos which are displayed in a waffle-like grid.

Waffle, a product developed by Samsung’s Creativity Lab (C-Lab) is all about friendly collaboration, where you and your friends will be able to share notes and figures. Moreover, you can add images and doodles to existing pictures or messages, which in turn creates a collaborative story or forum.

A video released by Samsung Newsroom on YouTube shows a person wishing a friend happy birthday and then other friends also wishing the same in separate squares.

Consisting of a series of infinite grids that users can expand in any direction as per their requirement, Waffle also acts as the canvas and a community graffiti wall where each registered user can share their messages to the already posted content.

According to analysts, Waffle is surrounded with several risks since a grid needs the contribution of eight individuals, which is regarded as a high bar for a social network to clear. Even though the name sounds good, there is nothing compelling and productive which the social network can offer for the community.

Waffle is currently in development stage and expected to hit Google Play Store by the end of 2016.