Home News Samsung Galaxy Tab 5 7.0 is already under testing in India

Samsung Galaxy Tab 5 7.0 is already under testing in India

Samsung reportedly plans to unveil Z1 Tizen phone in India on January 18

Samsung’s new tablet from its Galaxy Tab series hasn’t made any official appearance yet. But reports are already swirling the web that the device is already being tested in India.

Known as Samsung Galaxy Tab 5 7.0, the next iteration of the 7-inch tablet from the Korean manufacturer has already landed in India for Research and Development purpose. Leaked data confirms that three slightly different versions of Galaxy Tab 5 7.0 was sent to India from South Korea where Samsung is based on.

Zauba data website caught the tablets being shipped into the country, which have a model number of SM-T239. This website keeps track of imported and exported electronic good from India. Their leaked data suggests that in total, six units have been sent to India for “testing and evaluation purpose.”

Of them, three units have single SIM card slots on them. The website couldn’t provide any additional information on the remaining three units. But it is possible that those are WiFi only units as Samsung usually launches WiFi only and WiFi+SIM variants of its Galaxy Tab series.

The testing units will be destroyed after evaluation, according to the notes posted on the cargo manifest.

There is no words as to when the next generation of Galaxy Tab 7″ tablet will debut, but with Mobile World Congress around the corner, it is possible that Samsung may choose the stage in Barcelona to launch these tablets alongside their new flagship phone, Samsung Galaxy S6.