Samsung is tipped to unveil the Galaxy S8 and S8 Edge during the upcoming MWC 2016 event. The latest round of development is that the upcoming smartphones are expected to feature Harman-branded stereo speakers. According to industry analysts, the addition of powerful speakers will be a serious game changer in the smartphone world.
The rumor mills are active with speculations about the features and specifications. The launch of S8 will be a litmus test for Samsung since it is the first flagship smartphone after the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 fiasco.
According to rumors, Samsung will push the S8 hard by integrating powerful stereo speakers. If the rumors are to be believed, you can expect Harman branding.
This is because Samsung had acquired the audio-specific giant for $8 billion recently. The addition of Harman speakers will be beneficial for audiophiles, who always listen to music on the go. Moreover, it will be helpful for gamers since the speakers can produce clear and crisp audio.
It remains to be seen as to how Samsung will embed the stereo speakers such as the specific location. If Samsung needs big thumbs up, the speakers should be located on the bottom side to prevent muffling of sound. You can also expect two speaker grills on the front similar to that of HTC One M9/Nexus 6P.
Interestingly, Samsung had given a signal during a recent presser that the forthcoming Galaxy S8 and the S8 edge will most likely incorporate Harman-powered speakers.
After the worst performance of the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung is trying hard to push the design canes in S8 in a bid to catch customer’s attention. Samsung can’t tolerate another floppy smartphone and long recall process. Hence, the quality department should concentrate on the development of a safe smartphone.