Home News Poor air quality claims 5.5 million lives worldwide annually

Poor air quality claims 5.5 million lives worldwide annually


A recent study has revealed that air pollution claims 5.5 million lives annually. Global warming caused by air pollution and its effects are being felt all around the globe, and its effects are also being seen on the health of the planet’s residents.

The frightening part is that half the death is occurring in two countries – India and China. Both the countries are on the threshold of rapid industrialization and will contributing most in the way of carbon emissions.

It is quirky situation because both India and China will be using coal-based power plants to cater to the increasing energy needs necessary for rapid economic growth. India and China are the only two bright spots in the otherwise grim economic scenario of the world.

Rapid economic growth in these two nations is also important for the western economies that are in search for new markets for their manufactured goods. Both and India and China comprise more than half the world population and, therefore, its economic growth is going to have an effect on global economies.

The recent devaluation of Yuan had led to a cascading impact on the Stock Markets of the world which is the testimony of the above statement.

The problem is particularly acute in China and India, which both have their peculiar situations. In China, the biggest cause of air pollution is the smog and tiny particles emitted by its coal-based power plants. Also, China has a population which is aging rapidly, and the effects of air pollution are much acute in the elderly.

In India, the problem is compounded by the widespread use of fuel wood, Dung and agricultural wastes to cook. In fact, the effects of air pollution in India are much more internal rather than external.

However, India is going China’s way and is all set to construct massive coal-fired power plants to augment power production to cater to its energy needs for rapid industrialization.