Home News Coming Soon: Now pay bills using Twitter

Coming Soon: Now pay bills using Twitter

This new arrangement is surely going to get a favorable response from customers as this micro-blogging site would make their task super-easy.

Twitter Pay Bills Pc-Tablet Media

It is reported that soon users of Twitter can make their bill payments through the website. The company has entered into a partnership with Lookup, an Indian startup that will enable users to send direct messages for inquiring about services, making transactions as well as booking appointments.

With Lookup, consumers and retailers can interact with each other via Direct Messaging. Boasting of 1.2 million registered users, Lookup also has merchants registered from Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi.

Currently, users can make the purchase directly with Twitter’s ‘Buy’ Button. In this new arrangement, all payments and orders would be handled offline. Along with monitoring capabilities of Twitter, even its API would be used to connect customers with prospective merchants.

Instead of phone numbers, Lookup would use Google Maps for connecting users and giving them details about retailers in their area.

According to a new study last week, illegal online pharmacies were seen using Twitter for promoting prescription drug abuse of several controlled substances.

Timothy Mackey, the co-author of this study, stated that this was the 1st study that established an empirical link between illegal online pharmacies and Twitter content.

As per National Institute on Drug Abuse and Health and Human Services, prescription anti-anxiety drugs, ADHD stimulants and opioid pain relievers are majorly abused by young adults.

This new arrangement is surely going to get a favorable response from customers as this micro-blogging site would make their task super-easy.