Home News OnePlus 3 goes Invite-free starting official launch at June 14

OnePlus 3 goes Invite-free starting official launch at June 14

OnePlus on June 1 made an announcement about the imminent launch of OnePlus 3 scheduled for June 14, and it comes with a major change in the Chinese company’s history. The company is discontinuing their invite system.

There have been a lot of rumors and speculations about this launch, but what one would not have thought about is the company letting go one of its marketing fortes. A post on the OnePlus official website says, “The invite system has a special place in our history. When we first started out, our team was incredibly small. We had no idea what the demand for the OnePlus One would look like.”

The company did not want to subject its products to flash sales as it could lead to a quick and massive deficit of stock and making the fans wait indefinitely. It is one thing to make a good product and make customers feel special about owning it and completely different and demeaning for the brand to keep them waiting.

The invite system ensured exclusivity and kept the potential users wondering what is so special about it. The open sales for the OnePlus 3 will begin on OnePlus.net at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. However, it will start selling on Loop at 12:30 PM Eastern Time.

The launch schedule as mentioned on the website is:

  • 10.00 PM IST (Bengaluru)
  • 5.30 PM BST (London)
  • 4.30 PM UTC/GMT
  • 12.30 PM EDT (New York)
  • 6.30 PM CEST (Paris)
  • 9.30 AM PDT (San Francisco)

The post also claims that this will be the world’s first global VR shopping experience. Could this be a new marketing stunt? Perhaps the company is gearing up to knock the crowd’s socks off. Are these the droids we are looking for? Intriguing!