One of India’s popular online taxi booking service providers, OlaCabs is claimed to be accessed illegally by an alleged group of hackers called TeamUnknown. According to the post appeared on Reddit, OlaCabs’ development server has been hacked which then resulted into compromising the credit card information, history, vouchers and behavior of all its users.
However, according to the company, no sensitive information has been compromised due to this hack attempt that was performed on a staging environment when exposed for one of OlaCabs’ test runs.
The post found on Reddit includes the company information that is directly been copied from OlaCabs Wikipedia page. It further claims that OlaCabs’ application design is very poor and their development server is weakly configured.
An alleged screenshot leaked by TeamUnknown of OlaCabs hack attack“The hack was a little tricky and involved many steps to get into the database. Once we got into the database, it was like winning a lottery,” says TeamUnknown.
TeamUnknown has also claimed to be having the credit card details and voucher codes from OlaCabs users. However, a list containing voucher codes has not been leaked anywhere. TeamUnknown has additionally promised that it will not be misusing the users’ credit card details and voucher codes.
On the other hand, OlaCabs said the hackers got into the server that the company uses to experiment with new features. As per a message circulated over email by the company, the server contains “dummy user” data.