Earlier this year, the Mobile World Congress saw a legendary device, the Nokia 3310 being unveiled in a new avatar. It has not started selling in India, yet, but online retailer ‘onlymobiles.com’ has listed the phone at INR 3,899. The listing also claims that the colors it comes in are warm red, dark blue, yellow and gray.
Nokia has in no way confirmed this, but the 3310 is rumored to hit the shelves in India in May. The website also mentions that it comes with a 12-month warranty.
It has a 2.4-inch QVGA display, but the USP of the phone is its 1200 mAh battery. With a talk time of 22.1 hours, it is supposed to have a standby time of up to one month.
The internal memory is a nostalgic 16MB, but it can be expanded up to 32GB via microSD card. The Nokia Series 30+ OS ensures a smooth functioning. For music and entertainment, there is a 3.5mm audio connector, music player, FM, and a snake game.
Considering that it is a feature phone, the price is a little unwarranted. But, the specs and features are not the main attraction of the phone. It is the phone’s nostalgic value that appeals more. For those who grew up in an era where phones with a pre-installed snake game and an FM were as exciting as an AMOLED curved display and a 6GB RAM today, this is a good way to relive the good old days. A large part of the world population still lives in that era.