Home News Nepal can face drought-like condition due to global warming and climate change...

Nepal can face drought-like condition due to global warming and climate change in next decade

global warming and climate change in Nepal

An international team of researchers has identified 41 tipping points on the planet, which can cause cataclysmic conditions. Nepal is one such tipping point, and the nation will face the brunt of the effects of global warming and climate change.

Nepal could be standing on the brink of a drought-like situation in next decade. This situation has been caused due to deforestation, population increase, and overuse of agricultural land. This is the conclusion of a study that goes on to warn that if remedial measures are not taken, the population will be facing a food and water shortage in the coming decades.

A group of researchers from the Baylor University, Texas employed an intricate modelling tool called SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) to analyse land use methods, type of soil, the geography of the country, meteorology to predict the kind of soil erosion, snow melt pattern and climate change of Nepal.

The team came to the conclusion that Nepal will be facing an acute shortage of drinking water in the coming decades. The team advised the government to prohibit strictly deforestation and take to re-plantation of trees on a war footing.

Nepal is facing a situation similar to Tibet. High altitude and dry climatic conditions make such regions highly vulnerable to climatic changes. According to the 14th Dalai Lama, this is not the question of one or two nations but the entire humanity.

Study authors Joseph White, professor of biology Baylor’s College, warned that the nation’s population particularly children will in the coming decades face malnutrition as food production falls due to soil degradation and lack of water resources.

Changing climate and poor land management practices has made water availability a problem. The people of Nepal use whatever little land is available for food production and it is dependent on water supplied by snow water, glacier melt and monsoonal precipitation.

A country whose 70% population are dependent on Agriculture; it could be a sign of coming problems for the most vulnerable population-those in poverty.