Home News NASA’s SDO Captures Striking Sunspot Larger Than Earth

NASA’s SDO Captures Striking Sunspot Larger Than Earth

NASA scientists have captured an incredible spot on the sun that looks tiny but it’s bigger than the Earth planet. The sunspot was visible the first time after the sun appeared spotless for the last two days. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recently released a recorded video of the Sun from July 5 up to July 11. The video shows a spot on the bright surface of the sun.

The sunspots are common when the Sun is about to enter the solar minimum, a period when the sun has low solar activity that occurs after 11 year cycle. According to NASA, the sun spots are an interesting area of extreme and complex magnetic fields.

The sun is a mysterious body that has continued to surprise scientists ever since the universe was created. For hundreds of years, researchers have continuously tried to understand the largest star in the solar system and this has been one of the greatest priorities for the space agency.

Sunspots, which are a temporary occurrence of the dark spots on the sun, have been there in the past and more has been documented on them. As tiny as they appear, sunspots are usually larger in size than the earth surface.

From the video, the details have been elaborated on how large the spot is compared to the Earth planet. A closer view of the side-by-side comparison discloses that the spot is bigger that the entire world sphere, which portrays the real picture of how huge the sun star itself is.

NASA promises to give more fantastic views of the solar events including the Sun when it stretches its plans on the largest star in the solar system in 2018. The mission will explore the surroundings of the Sun which comes with the challenge that scientists will encounter on how to deal with hot temperatures that can easily melt the instruments.

The recent sun spot will not be visible until 2020 during the period when the solar activity is high. The spot was noticeable because the Sun was clear for two days before the sunspots appeared.