A live video transmission from the International Space Station, which got interrupted just when a bright object believed to be a UFO appeared within sight, has led many to blame NASA for deliberately blocking the video signals.
All of it started when a short video clip of the said live feed from the space station was uploaded on YouTube by a user named Streepcap1. The video shows a bright object drawing closer but got interrupted when it could have provided a clearer view of the mysterious white stuff.
While YouTube user Streepcap1 claimed the white object could be anything from a meteorite or space debris to even a UFO, it is the timing of the live feed from ISS getting interrupted that has led many to suspect foul play on the part of NASA. The video was beamed by the ISS on July 9.
Also Read: NASA allegedly stopped ISS live feed of UFO entering Earth
“This could well be a meteor or the like. What made it interesting was the camera cut off when the UFO seemed to stop,” Streetcap1 wrote.
The video has since been seen more than 2.7 million times with the topic becoming a rage in the social circles worldwide.
NASA though is denying it has anything to do with the video transmission getting blocked. Instead, it blamed for the outage to the space station going out of range, which it said happens on a regular basis.
Check the video here:
NASA spokesman Daniel Huot further explained that the video forms part of their High Definition Earth Viewing project. It involves several cameras and the control switches from one camera to the next in an automatic manner. So with no human intervention involved in it, there can be no deliberate shutting down of signals, as a section of the online community has since been claiming.
The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects or for that matter aliens has always been a hot topic of discussions among the space enthusiast or even the common man. Mankind has always been intrigued by such, and the recent outburst against NASA can only be considered an extension of such emotions.