Motorola’s latest addition in the tablet category, the moto tab g62 LTE featuring the powerful Snapdragon® 680 octa-core processor with best-in-class performance in its segment goes on sale today at 12 PM exclusively on Flipkart. Priced at just Rs. 17,999, the tablet features a dazzling 10.6” 2K display that extends an expansive edge-to-edge viewing experience along with allowing the consumers to experience shows and movies from their favorite streaming apps with razor-sharp details. Plus, one can view the screen safely thanks to TÜV certified eye protection which reduces strain on your eyes. The display is also designed for increased outdoor visibility and better viewing angles.
The other variant of the tablet i.e., moto tab g62 Wi-Fi is already on sale since August 17th at an incredible price of just Rs. 15,999.
The moto tab g62 comes with quad stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos® extending an immersive entertainment experience with crystal-clear multi-dimensional sound to the user. It also features Android 12 TM out-of-the-box, making the device more personal, safe, and effortless than ever. Moreover, the new tablet features an unbelievable battery life with a massive 7700 mAh battery1 and a 20W rapid charger allowing the consumers to stream up to 12* hours on a single charge.
Furthermore, the sleek, premium, and metal design of the tablet gives you a bold, distinctive dual-tone finish and design that’s one of a kind. It can hold tons of photos, songs, and movies with the 64 GB built-in storage2 and can always add up to 1 TB more using a microSD card3.
Additionally, the moto tab g62 includes built-in software and exclusive experiences that make it a true standout. Access your favorite movies, shows, games, and books all in one place with Google Entertainment Space. Enjoy fun learning experiences designed just for kids with the dedicated Google Kid’s Space. And keep multiple private profiles so the whole family can call this tablet their own.
Availability & Pricing:
The moto tab g62 LTE will be available for sale from 12 PM, 22 August 2022 onwards at an exclusive price of just Rs. 17999 on Flipkart.
Whereas the moto tab g62 (Wi- Fi only) is already available at a price of just Rs. 15999 on Flipkart.