Motorola has rolled out Android 6.0 update for Moto G (3rd Gen) in India. The company tweeted with the statement that something new and amazing will be arriving shortly. The tweet also mentions a reference to Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
The Android M update is already available to Moto G 3rd Gen devices in the US and Canada, which was released three weeks back. This update seems to be a pleasant new year gift for the Moto G community of users.
According to official sources, the complete update will be around 2GB in size with 24.11.25.en. US software version tag. The update will have all the essential Android 6.0 features in addition to Doze and Google Now on Tap.
Moreover, the latest update will have refreshed app permissions in addition to Google’s security patches for the month of December 2015. Hence, your Moto G 3rd gen device will be updated to latest Android version.
Here is something new and amazing for your Moto G (3rd Gen.), the Android 6.0 Marshmallow!
— Motorola India (@motorolaindia) December 30, 2015
To update your Moto G device, you need at least 50% battery or should connect it to AC power. If your handset is eligible for the upgrade, you will view a notification message. You need to select “Yes, I’m in”.
The update will be downloaded automatically and after that, you need to select Install now option. Your device will restart after successful installation.
If you are unable to view the update notification, it will take some time. This is because Motorola is scheduled to release updates gradually in a phased manner.
You can also verify whether the Android M update is available for your device manually by navigating to Settings > About Phone > System Update on your handset.
We expect the complete update will take around three hours to download depending upon your Internet connectivity. The subsequent installation process will fetch another 30 minutes with several reboots in between.
The entire Moto G 3rd generation users are happy with the announcement. This is because other smartphone manufacturers like Xiaomi are yet to release Android M publicly.
The latest update of Android M for Moto G handsets are viewed with considerable attention by the entire Android community.