Home News Microsoft ups it’s user account security game and Wunderlist retires

Microsoft ups it’s user account security game and Wunderlist retires


Microsoft is planning to “shift the security burden” from the user’s memory to his/her device. Just like Google two-step verification, this app (Microsoft Authenticator app) sends a prompt to the user’s phone to approve a login. The only difference is that the user does not have to input his/her password.

Microsoft is also retiring the successful Wunderlist, and it is being replaced by ‘To-do list.’ The to-do list is almost the same as Wunderlist. There are some features which you will find better than the Wunderlist like the Outlook Calendar sync. You can download the preview app right now and explore the features. You can share your to-do list with your friends like in Wunderlist.

Intelligent Suggestions is going to be one of the main features of the To-Do list. The algorithm suggests what the user might want to accomplish and when. The user can also make a list of things to do, in the morning. Meaning the To-Do can start with a blank slate every morning.

Exciting features from Wunderlist such as sharing lists, availability on all platforms (including Windows 10 Mobile), and integrations with external services, as promised by Microsoft, will be made available on To-do in the long run. Outlook tasks can also be synced with it.

Microsoft is still working on this app to add more features and fine tune so it works perfectly. But a preview version has been published by Microsoft Store, Google Play Store, and Apple App Store.