Home News Microsoft confirms HoloLens will last up to 5.5 hours on single charge

Microsoft confirms HoloLens will last up to 5.5 hours on single charge

Microsoft HoloLens

Bruce Harris of Microsoft claimed that HoloLens will run for 5.5 hours with moderate use and 2.5 hours upon pushing to limits. Since it is a wireless device, its battery life would be supportive of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections to power Windows 10 apps running on the device. Harris said this at a recent event in Israel.

Harris added the field of view of this HoloLens is similar to that of a 15-inch monitor that is kept 2 feet away. He also showed how it was possible to combine 2 HoloLens devices together so that an object can be viewed simultaneously by sharing a link to the internet even if the users weren’t in the same place.

Earlier, a Microsoft representative had claimed that the field of view of was limited so that the peripheral vision could be kept clear, but as per recent reports, this limitation exists due to battery life and cost.

Harris promised that things would improve over a period as the company has hopes of widening the field of View of HoloLens along with its costs and manufacturing capabilities.


Despite these new pieces of information that are coming in, we still aren’t sure as to when can we avail a HoloLens, although there are rumors of developer kits arriving in the first quarter this year at a price of $3,000.