Home News The meteoric rise of Google’s new CEO, Sundar Pichai

The meteoric rise of Google’s new CEO, Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai

Google has assimilated within a new holding company called Alphabet inside, which most of the Google controlled companies, and the search engine giant will now operate. The shares of Google will now trade under the name of Alphabet. Larry Page will now become the CEO of Alphabet while the new head of Google will be Sundar Pichai.

If you are unfamiliar with the Indian-born Sundar Pichai, he has been with Google since 2004 and is an Illuminati of IIT Kharagpur and Stanford University.

Chennai-born Pichai Sundarajan is presently the head of Products and Engineering. Larry Page has reposed faith in Sundar Pichai and was talking about the restructuring of the company he co-founded with Sergey Brin and said that Pichai was a key part of the company.

Pichai was made the head of product and engineering responsibility for our Internet businesses and said that both he and his partner Sergey has been enamored by the Mr. Pichai’s progress and dedication to the company.

Mr. Pichai was known to keep a low profile that was actively involved in the creation of the Google Tool Bar and the successful launch of Google Chrome browser. Pichai will head the $66 billion revenue and $16 billion profit-making company. He is said to have a deep fervor for engineering fineness with an exceptional managerial quality of picking out the best talent and assimilating them into the teams he works.

The rise of Pichai within the top echelons of Google hierarchy was meteoric and was soon to be made the Vice President and then Senior Vice President of the company. He was then tasked with supervising all the Google Apps, which included G-Mail and Google Drive and finally given the full control of Android itself.

Pichai was made the Product Chief making him almost the second most powerful executive after Larry Page. He was tasked with the everyday working of all the Google’s major products including maps, search, and advertising.