Home News Meta’s Move to Charge Apple’s Service Fee for Boosted Posts on Facebook...

Meta’s Move to Charge Apple’s Service Fee for Boosted Posts on Facebook and Instagram via iOS Apps Sparks Controversy

Meta to charge Apple's service fee for Facebook and Instagram post boosts on iOS, sparking debate over App Store policies and digital advertising.

In a bold move that underscores the growing tensions between tech giants Meta and Apple, Meta has announced that it will begin charging an Apple service fee for posts “boosted” through its Facebook and Instagram apps on iOS devices. This decision comes in the wake of Apple’s updated App Store Guidelines, which now mandate that apps offering “boosts” for posts and other advertising content must utilize in-app purchases, ensuring Apple receives a cut of the transaction.

Key Highlights:

  • Apple updated its App Store Guidelines with the launch of iOS 16.1, targeting apps like Facebook and Instagram that offer post boosts.
  • Meta criticizes Apple for policies that purportedly favor its own business interests at the expense of others in the digital economy.
  • Boosted posts on Facebook and Instagram will now require in-app purchases on iOS, a departure from previous direct purchase methods.
  • The dispute accentuates a longstanding tension between Apple and Meta over digital purchases and revenue sharing.

Meta to charge Apple's service fee for Facebook and Instagram post boosts on iOS, sparking debate over App Store policies and digital advertising.

The conflict centers on Apple’s insistence that digital goods and services within apps, including advertising like post boosts, must use its in-app purchase system. This system grants Apple a percentage of each sale, a policy that Meta has historically circumvented by allowing users to pay directly through other means. Meta’s response to the guideline change highlights a broader criticism of Apple’s policies, which, according to Meta, are designed to support its own financial growth while disadvantaging other companies.

This development raises significant questions about the future of digital advertising on major social platforms and the implications for small businesses that rely on these tools for visibility. Apple‘s stance reflects its ongoing commitment to controlling the iOS ecosystem and revenue streams, while Meta’s compliance signals a complex negotiation of power dynamics in the tech industry.

As this situation unfolds, the broader digital economy watches closely. The imposition of Apple’s service fee on boosted posts may set a precedent for how digital services are monetized and regulated within app ecosystems, potentially influencing the strategies of other social media platforms and digital advertisers.

The “boost” feature allows businesses to pay to increase the visibility of their posts to a wider audience within the platforms. It is a popular tool for small businesses and creators to promote their content and reach new customers. However, with the addition of the 30% fee, the cost of boosting posts becomes significantly higher for businesses using iOS devices.

“We understand that this is an unwelcome change for many businesses, and we are not happy about having to implement it,” said the Meta spokesperson. “However, we have no choice but to pass on the cost in order to continue offering the boost feature on iOS.”

That incident exemplifies the intricate dance between innovation, market control, and the pursuit of profit in the digital age. As companies like Apple and Meta navigate these waters, the outcomes of such disputes will likely have far-reaching effects on the tech industry, digital advertising, and the end users who populate these platforms.