Home News Massless Particles Discovered For Gen-Next Electronics

Massless Particles Discovered For Gen-Next Electronics


The massless particle has been discovered, which evaded scientists for 85 years, according to a report on Life Science dated July 18, 2015.

It can pave the way for new kinds of quantum computing and also for more resourceful electronics.

An international team of young scientist from Princeton University discovered Weyl fermions, which has been theorised 85 years ago.

The first observation of Weyl fermions was reported in journal “Science” by the researchers claiming that it might allow for a free and proficient flow of electricity within electronics and greater power for computers if applied to next-generation electronics.

Weyl fermions was proposed in 1929 by Hermann Weyl, the well-known mathematician and physicist and has been regarded as building blocks of previous subatomic particles.

Weyl fermions basic nature is such that it can provide better transfer of particles than electrons that are the basic principle particle behind contemporary electronics.

Being massless, Weyl fermions possess a high degree of mobility. The particles spin in the same motion in its direction from both the ways.

This concludes that Weyl fermions particles that have opposite magnetic-like charges can move independently with a high degree of mobility.

The two characteristics that Weyl fermions possesses can be a boon for the future of electronics.

M Zahid Hasan, a Physics professor in Princeton University, led the research team and is the corresponding author said that there could be many things that arise from this particle of Weyl fermions that we are not even capable of imagining it.