Logitech released its G413 gaming mechanical keyboard in India, and it will start shipping from 20th July and is priced at Rs. 7,495 which is a real good price for a mechanical gaming keyboard from a brand like Logitech. This keyboard comes with two years of limited hardware warranty.
Logitech G413 keyboard comes with Logitech’s exclusive Romer-G mechanical switches which are built for professional gaming performance. These keys have the travel distance as little as 1.5mm with only 45 grams of weight which makes the keyboard more responsive. The G413 keyboard has some precise lighting which illuminates only the keycaps, keeping the eyes focused on keys only. During the late night gaming sessions, this lighting comes in a lot handy. The chassis of the keyboard is made of aircraft-grade aluminum alloy which makes it lightweight but extra durable.
It comes in two different finishes and colors; carbon and silver with a brushed metallic finish on both. The function keys also work as a shortcut to your media running on the computer and it includes; volume control, play/pause, mute, game mode, lighting and more. The keyboard doesn’t come with macro keys but you can, program the function keys using the Logitech utility.
THe G413 keyboard works on Windows 7 and higher; it needs the Logitech Gaming Software to function properly with all the features. It comes with a USB port on the keyboard for USB pass through and works best for charging and data transfer.