Lenovo Phab 2 Pro with 6.4-inch QHD display with four cameras has been launched in Champagne Gold color variant. Touted as the first Google Tango smartphone, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro will be exclusively available via Flipkart at Rs. 29990. Interestingly, the newly launched handset is the first commercial product from the search-engine giant’s Tango team. The company has been working on to harness machine vision in mobile gadgets.
Equipped with a camera and sensor, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro provide an ability to track motion, depth perception, and area learning. You can make use of these features for the purpose of AR applications such as indoor navigation, search, and gaming.
Commenting on the launch, Bhaskar Choudhuri, Director, Marketing, Lenovo India disclosed that the company is always looking forward for the innovation by launching products with a difference. The main purpose of Lenovo is to revolutionize the way smartphones are used. The company is constantly learning and understanding how various technology areas can be put to effective use in such a way to improve the life of people.
Talking about specifications, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro features a 6.4-inch QHD IPS display coupled with four cameras. The phone includes an 8MP front-facing shooter, 16MP rear RGB camera including a depth-sensing infrared camera paired with an imager and an emitter. The Phab 2 Pro also offers a motion tracking camera.
Under the hood, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro is powered by a Snapdragon 652 processor alongside 4GB RAM and 64GB of expandable internal storage. You will be able to expand the storage up to 128GB. Moreover, you can insert two nano-SIM cards. Hence, if you have micro-SIM, then you will not be able to make use of them with the new Phab 2 Pro.
Powered by a 4050mAh battery, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro is capable of delivering a 15-hour battery life with fast charging support. With Dolby Atmos audio technology support, the Phab 2 Pro handset is loaded with Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Moreover, the phone also integrates Dolby Audio 5.1 Capture technology to enable you to record 3D touch.
If you would like to experience the real look and feel of a Project Tango smartphone, you should purchase Lenovo Phab 2 Pro since it is available with great features at a price you can resist.