Home News LeEco becomes first company to test Canvas Ads on Facebook

LeEco becomes first company to test Canvas Ads on Facebook

Canvas Ads on Facebook

Days before the first online flash sale of Letv Le 1S in India, LeEco, the Chinese tech giant stated that it would advertise its products through Immersive Canvas ads of Facebook. These canvas ads look like normal sponsored posts in News Feed, but if a user taps them, they open in full screen and enables the user to scroll and flip through videos, photos, text as well as other content. It is an alternative to the website of a brand but loads quickly and is more interactive.

Before testing this, the company had also invested in reaching out to audiences through LeEco India Grand launch’s live cast on Facebook platform.

In a statement, a spokesperson from LeEco stated that the company is chosen as the first mobile brand of the world for testing the Canvas Ads.

With canvas adds, advertisers are being given a lot of flexibility for building the type of experience that best represents the identity of the brand and ultimately achieves the objectives of the business.

Facebook’s head of industry sales in China, Fei Yu quoted that it is good to see LeEco as the first advertiser for embracing this new experience on Facebook.

The company is expected to start with immersive mobile ads on the Facebook account by February.