Home News Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, IIT-B to host Humanoids at TechFest 2015

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, IIT-B to host Humanoids at TechFest 2015


The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) will host humanoids in its upcoming technology event. The IIT-B tech festival that will take place between December 26 and 28 will host about 12 humanoids.

Humanoids are robots whose design features evoke some human traits. Among the humanoids will be a Swiss robot that can hear, speak and even express human emotions. There will also be a few robots developed in Bangladesh that can navigate over different terrain and can even mine.

Some of the humanoids were developed in some of the most advanced laboratories in the world. The development team are usually made up of professional engineers, but some of them were created by college students. Those who will attend the event will get an opportunity to interact directly with the humanoids.

Organizers claim that the event will provide an opportunity to portray the engaging and fun aspects of science and technology.

Tanmay Preman, the manager of exhibitions at the event stated that the aim of the event is to promote scientific and technological developments by showing the entertainment part of it.

Preman also added that one of the events will feature a football match between the robots.

Humanoids are also targeted towards other aspects of technology including as new technologies such as 3D printing. MX3D robots have been using 3D technology to build a bridge in Amsterdam.

The All-terrain humanoid developed in Bangladesh can be used to help out in heavy tasks especially in drought-affected areas. These robots will be a major attraction at the technology event.

Preman also added that the event will be a source of inspiration to many people especially the young. Such events are important because they motivate more people to take up STEM careers.

The exhibition will also host other technologies from various scientific fields including architecture, engineering, energy, automobile technology, fine art, design and pure science. The parties involved hope that the event will encourage scientific research and development in India.