Home News India is the world’s second largest smartphone market, says study

India is the world’s second largest smartphone market, says study

India is expected to have one billion mobile users by 2020. According to a study conducted by Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), India will have one billion unique mobile subscribers by 2020. The report also states that India is the world’s second largest smartphone market. The first half of 2016 saw an installed base of 275 million mobile gadgets.

According to The Mobile Economy report published by GSMA, nearly 616 million unique users had already subscribed to mobile services in India. Moreover, India is going fast forward with a tactical shift to mobile broadband services. The total number of 3G/4G mobile broadband connections is set to reach more than 670 million by 2020. This is approximately 48 percent of the total connection base.

Commenting on the development, Mats Granryd, Director General of GSMA disclosed that with this report, all signs point to a period of tremendous growth for India’s mobile economy. It will strongly support and enable the government’s Digital India initiative aimed at providing broadband connectivity to all.

The report reveals that the total number of 4G connections is expected to hit 280 million marks by 2020. Moreover, the operator CAPEX is expected to grow $34 billion for the period 2016 to 2020.

As per the report, around 430 million people had access to mobile internet services. This is expected to increase to around 670 million by 2020. Meanwhile, Aircel, Bharti Airtel, and Vodafone have made a commitment towards women empowerment by providing deep access to the mobile internet services.