Home News India second most affected country by mobile malwares: Cheetah Mobile report

India second most affected country by mobile malwares: Cheetah Mobile report

Cheetah Mobile has released findings of its research on mobile malware. Based on the analysis by their Mobile Security Research Lab, mobile malware has been running extensively in India.

India is now the second largest smartphone market in terms of active unique smartphone users. According to data collected, out of all the infected devices around the world, 17.8 percent are from India. Almost 45% of the infected phones are dealing with the following top 10 viruses:

  1. Android.RISKWARE.Hideicon.lv- 61757 devices
  2. Android.MALWARE.at_PermAd.a- 33235 devices
  3. Android.MALWARE.at_Fakegupdt-.f 31879 devices
  4. Android.Troj.guerrilla.mc- 30977 devices
  5. Android.Troj.at_Downloader.q- 21973 devices
  6. Android.Troj.Sprovider.a- 21498 devices
  7. Android.RISKWARE.SmsSend.ba- 21347 devices
  8. Android.Troj.tk_guerrilla.c- 20042 devices
  9. Android.Troj.at_CovaDown.d- 19280 devices
  10. Android.RISKWARE.at_Parse.a- 18750 devices

The research also revealed that some of the budget smartphones that are very popular in India come pre-loaded with these viruses. Most other viruses come from the most popular carriers ie. porn websites. Users are tricked into downloading various porn apps while browsing these websites, which greatly increases their vulnerability to new viruses.
