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How do the Most Popular Operating Systems Compare

How do the Most Popular Operating Systems Compare

Operating systems are the software that controls and manages the hardware and software resources of a computer. They provide a platform for running applications and services, and they mediate all interactions between the user and the underlying hardware.

The three most popular operating systems in the world are:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Apple macOS
  • Google Android

These operating systems are used on a wide range of devices, from smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktop computers. Each operating system has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Desktop Operating Systems

On the desktop, Windows is the most popular operating system, with a market share of over 70%. macOS is the runner-up, with a market share of around 17%. Linux is also used on some desktops, but it has a much smaller market share, at around 2%.

Windows is known for its wide range of software compatibility and its user-friendly interface. It is also the most supported operating system by hardware manufacturers. However, Windows can be slow and resource-hungry, and it is also more susceptible to malware infections than other operating systems.

macOS is known for its stability, performance, and security. It also has a well-designed and intuitive user interface. However, macOS has a smaller selection of software available than Windows, and it is only compatible with Apple hardware.

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that is known for its flexibility and customizability. Linux is also very secure and stable. However, Linux can be more difficult to use than Windows or macOS, and it has a smaller selection of software available.

Mobile Operating Systems

On mobile devices, Android is the most popular operating system, with a market share of over 70%. iOS is the runner-up, with a market share of around 28%.

Android is known for its wide range of devices and its affordability. It is also very customizable and there is a large selection of apps available for Android. However, Android can be more susceptible to malware infections than iOS.

iOS is known for its user-friendliness, security, and performance. iOS devices are also known for their high quality and durability. However, iOS devices are typically more expensive than Android devices, and they are also less customizable.

Features Comparison

Here is a table comparing some of the key features of the three most popular operating systems:

Feature Windows macOS Android iOS
Market share 70% 17% 70% 28%
Price Free and paid versions Free and paid versions Free Free
Software compatibility Wide range Smaller range Wide range Smaller range
Hardware compatibility Wide range Apple hardware only Wide range Apple hardware only
Security Good Good Good Very good
Performance Good Very good Good Very good
User-friendliness Good Very good Good Very good
Customizability Good Limited Good Limited

Which Operating System is Right for You?

The best operating system for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for an operating system with a wide range of software compatibility and hardware support, then Windows is a good choice. If you are looking for an operating system that is stable, performant, and secure, then macOS is a good choice. If you are looking for an operating system that is affordable and customizable, then Android is a good choice. If you are looking for an operating system that is user-friendly and secure, then iOS is a good choice.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which operating system is the best. The best operating system for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Consider the factors discussed in this article to help you choose the right operating system for you.