Home Reviews Hirect App Review – Helping Startups to find the right talent just...

Hirect App Review – Helping Startups to find the right talent just by chatting

The pandemic has changed a lot of aspects of our lives. Our work is now online, and so are the aspects related to it. With a rough estimate of 2 crore young individuals entering the workforce each year, India is home to the largest workforce on the planet. While we have legacy recruitment platforms still kicking around, they too have started to adopt new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to streamline their products. This is where they come into the picture with their take on the whole recruitment procedure. They claim to fix the issues surrounding the current hiring process with their AI-powered solutions, thereby cutting time from both job seekers’ and recruiters’ ends.

How is Hirect different from the competition?

Since smartphone penetration has tremendously increased in the country, so have our preferences. Hirect is a mobile-first platform and is available for both Android and iOS users. The app connects job aspirants with recruiters directly without any middleman and already has 5 million plus downloads on the Google PlayStore and the numbers are positive on the App Store as well. This mobile-first approach helps Hirect to maintain stable numbers on the platform, with both the recruiters and job seekers equally engaged.

This is one of their biggest advantages over the competition. Next is their AI-based chat model that directly connects recruiters and job seekers via inbuilt chat and video call options. This results in a sped-up hiring process, which is both appreciated by the recruiters and job seekers. Employers can conduct the entire hiring process within the application, thereby saving the biggest asset we have, which is “Time”. While Hirect relies heavily on a chat model, they still add multiple layers of privacy and security to safeguard the interests of both parties.

It matches job preference with job descriptions and enables the recruiters and job seekers to chat directly. Hirect allows candidates to connect directly with founders, CXOs, and HR leaders.

What is the setup process for Hirect?

For the purpose of this review, we have gone through both the recruiter and job seeker panels. For both options, the app is a necessity. Once you have downloaded the app on your phone, the welcome screen gives you the option to either set up the app as a job aspirant or a potential recruiter.

We will dive into the job seeker section first. Upon selecting this option, we are moved to the account creation step, which requires us to enter a valid mobile number and authenticate it through an OTP. Next up is the job preference panel that asks the person for the type of opportunity they are exploring. This can be an internship, a full-time job, or a contractual role. This is followed by the area you are looking for a job in. This is something that is common for recruiters and job seekers, and the algo matches respective profiles based on these.

Next, you are required to fill in the salary range and location of your choice. Followed by this, you get into the Profile section, which prompts you to add in your work experience, educational details, and more. Hirect also allows you to add a bio, which is what the recruiters first see under a job posting, so it’s recommended to be precise and to the point. You are also alerted to add an updated resume and a functional portfolio, which can be shared with the recruiter at the touch of a button.

Moving to the recruiters’ perspective, the basic steps match those of the job seekers; you need to enter a functional mobile number, verify it, add your basic contact details and the type of job you want to post. This could be a full-time, contractual role, or an internship. This is followed by the domain page, where the recruiter is asked to put in the correct domain for the job posting. The next window asks for the job description, salary range, experience needed, and location. A step that should have been there at the time of recruiter sign-up has been moved to the end.

After putting down the job description and associated parameters, the recruiter is now asked to provide certain documents to verify the job posting. This includes a cancelled cheque, a PAN card, and GST details, which are then verified by the Hirect team in under an hour. Once the details are verified, the job posting is made online. Once the applications have rolled in, the recruiter can initiate a chat with the job seekers, which can be followed up with a voice call or a video call within the platform.


Hirect certainly has a different approach with their AI-based Chat model at the centre of the whole recruitment scene. We did notice the algorithms working on point filtering and feeding relevant data. During our brief usage of the app, we found the platform a balanced place from both the employers’ and job seekers’ perspectives. There were plenty of active & low-to-high-paying jobs in all major verticals with clearly defined JDs. We would recommend that prospective job seekers and employers try their hand at Hirect as well, in order to maximise their chances of getting quality options.