Home News Google celebrates its 18th birthday with animated doodle: Here’s a look back...

Google celebrates its 18th birthday with animated doodle: Here’s a look back at its journey

Today is Google’s eighteenth birthday, and the doodle is just as festive as one could desire. The doodle animation shows the letter ‘G’ blows into a balloon and conjures out the Google logo that takes it flying up because apparently, the letter can breathe out Helium.

This doodle has been incorporated in all the countries that Google operates in, besides the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, where doodles do not exist.

Two years after Larry Page and Sergey Brin started a search engine out of a dorm room in Stanford, the company was incorporated in 1998. During the time of incorporation, in the last week of August 1998, the two decided to go to the Burning Man festival in Nevada. This is how they came up with a burning man logo. It became Google’s first doodle. Since then there have been over one thousand Google doodles.

Slightly more significantly, the Google logo today is a result of several stages of evolution. Let us take you on a journey through the logos since the start.

Before officially becoming a search engine, Google was a research project by Larry and Sergey known as ‘BackRub.’ A research project may seem a little ironic.

The first logo with the official name was made in 1997 when the search engine was first made functional. Retro color combination.

After the first one, the color combination has changed, and it has been the same ever since. This was also the first time the classic Baskerville Bold font was used.

Soon Google started being used as a verb, and the company decided in October 1998 to include an exclamation mark in the logo, with a hint of shadow behind the characters. Google!

On May 31, 1999, the company removed the Baskerville font and introduced the Catull typeface and removed the exclamation mark.

Next Google decided to lighten up the colors a little and a different shade of yellow was used for the second ‘o’ on May 6, 2010.

‘It is time to go 2D and flat’ thought the company in 2013. The shadows were completely removed.

The logo, as we see today, has been radically changed since Google got a new parent by the name of ‘Alphabet Inc.’

The story of turn of fortunes for Google is quite a teller. We hope you enjoyed this journey. Stay online for more tech info.