Home News Google updates its search engine, now can teach ‘animal sounds’ to kids

Google updates its search engine, now can teach ‘animal sounds’ to kids

animal sounds

Google search has integrated a new feature in its algorithm that enables parents to teach kids about different noises that animals make. To work with this feature, you need to make a search on Google with the keyword “animal noises”.

The search page, in addition to illustrations of animals, also returns their names and a sample sound in a carousel list format with a navigation arrow.

Moreover, you can also provide the keyword like – “What does the elephant say” to return the sound of the relevant animal. In addition to the sound of the specific animal, the page also enables you to navigate other animal sounds.

As of this writing, Google has implemented 19 animal sounds that include zebra, ape, cat, lion, moose, owl, pig, cow, duck, elephant, horse, raccoon, bowhead whale, humpback whale, wolf, rooster, sheep, tiger and a turkey.

Launched as part of educating the future generations, the Mountain View-based search giant has come up with new innovations in wildlife teaching with a special importance to young minds. The new feature will be helpful for those kids who find difficulty to learn topics during early stages of life.

Google, meanwhile, has also integrated a mechanism to display accurate search results based on queries with questions. For example, if you search for “What are the ingredients for a Pongal?”, you will be able to view detailed search results related to the Pongal dish.

Furthermore, Google will now be able to understand the words such as tallest and largest. If you search for “What are the largest cities in California?”, Google returns specific results based on the query. Also, check out what results are being displayed when you search for “What is the tallest building in the world”.

In November 2015, Google had improved its search engine algorithm that enabled users to perform complex voice search queries