Home News Google to fund $1 Million for Google Drive Security Research in 2016

Google to fund $1 Million for Google Drive Security Research in 2016

Google Drive Security Research


Google has allocated $1 Million grant for Google Drive security research in 2016. The fund will be allocated to independent security researchers who identify potential issues and security flaws that affect the day to day functioning of the Drive.

These researchers make significant contributions by spending their valuable time and contribute to Google Drive data security through vulnerability research grant program.

Google will also continue to offer $20,000 through bug bounty program to anyone who manages to find and report security issues. Google started to provide security research grants in 2015, and the $1 million funding is more than it has offered before.

The main aim of the incentive program is to reward people who find and report flaws that the internal quality team missed to find them during the delivery time.

The advantage of offering security research grant is that Google Drive product will be regularly updated and will be free of any security issues. This will eliminate data breaches in the form of malwares, viruses, and other vulnerability attacks.

Vulnerability research grants are offered to newly launched services and features, sensitive product security research and security improvement efficacy research.

If a person finds a security issue in a new product, the concerned individual will be offered $500, which can go up to $3,133.7. For the remaining two research programs listed above, the reward starts from $1,337 with the same maximum amount.

With the increase in the security grant, Google is all set to reward more individuals from across the world.

Google Drive for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS can help you quickly move your files and keep them all safe going forward.