Home News Google fixes the issue with Voice Assistant on Android Wear

Google fixes the issue with Voice Assistant on Android Wear

It has been a long time that Android Wear users are facing a problem regarding it few software bugs. Now some of the users have reported the mall functionality of Google voice Assistant on Android Wear powered smartwatches that were occurring after the recent updates provided by the company.

Now Google has provided a fix through their forum website and guided users to follow the certain step to resolve the problem. Firstly, users have press the button and opt the PlayStore from the launcher. Afterward, users have to execute swipe down gesture from the top of the screen and navigate through the left side of the icons grid. Tap the My Apps icon and install the Google app version 7.8.

Here are steps to update the “Google” app to version 7.8:

  1. Press the power button and choose Play Store from the launcher.

2. Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the My Apps icon (grid icon at left).

3. An update should be available for the “Google” app; tap to install.

Google also recommend that if this fix doesn’t resolve the user’s issues to mail them the list of voice commands that are failing. In contrary, Google also mentioned that “If this doesn’t resolve your issue, please list voice commands that are still failing and send us a bug report from your watch (you should have already received an email with instructions),”

To recall, Android Wear users encountered with the issues regarding the Google Assistant which refused to take command apart from simple Google searches and the bug like recurring reminders which is part of the device for a long time. Google has to resolve these issues as soon as possible, or it might be possible that in future their current users base and nascent consumers may lose their interest in Android wear.
