Home News Google+ brings Auto Enhancement feature to videos on Desktop and Android

Google+ brings Auto Enhancement feature to videos on Desktop and Android

Google+ brings auto enhancement feature to videos on desktop and Android

Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) — A feature which has changed the look and feel of pictures shot by Google+ users will now be available for videos as well. Known as auto enhancement, Google has since May of 2013, offered this feature to improve the quality of user-shot pictures.

A much loved feature, which has fundamentally changed the quality of user pictures by adjusting the various aspects of the image- stability, lighting of color will now have all of these extended to videos as well.

Google demonstrates the changes of the new feature, via a video demonstration / comparison. In a before and after picture, Google+ brings superior image quality to even 240p videos. Additionally, stabilization as well as saturation changes are changed.

It is available as part of the manual enhancement as well. The auto changes are available for the Auto Backup images as well, for, it will monitor the videos, actively. The suggested changes are available as an option for users to choose from on the website. You can apply the changes and save them.

While Google+ is way different in how it is used and others engage in it, and in its present avatar does not threaten Facebook. Features such as auto-enhancement of photos and videos has its own following in the social networking era.

For users of Google+, it is another value-added feature as the auto enhancement will bring improved aesthetics to any video or image. The camera quality of their smartphones may soon become a thing of the past, if Google+ were to follow-through with further enhancements and resolution correctives.

The feature is expected to change small goof-ups or unsteady shots through just not stabilization, via software, but improve on aspects that will offer higher quality on low-pixel cameras as well.

Auto enhancement to videos has been a much talked-about feature for some time now and value additions are expected to increase the Google+ user’s tribe in the long-run.