Home News Facebook introduces ‘Anonymous Login’; supporting user’s trust

Facebook introduces ‘Anonymous Login’; supporting user’s trust

You must have noticed that different websites and newly developed apps allow you to login with Facebook account details. While it appears convenient from the user’ side, the all-access pass to the Internet feature turns into a nagging issue when your details are shared automatically with the app or website following your consent. Facebook finally appears set for an impressive overhaul.

The social networking giant has planned to introduce ‘Anonymous Login’ feature. The decision was announced at recently concluded Facebook’s f8 Developer Conference. With this, the company looks set to make changes in how it shares your information around the Web.

‘Anonymous Login’, which aims to bolster the trust of Facebook’s more than one billion users

The term – “Anonymous Login” in no way should be confused with method to log in to Facebook anonymously but using it’s account details to log-in to other sites and apps anonymously.

“We serve a lot of different communities, but one is by far the most important: the people that use our products. It’s important that in every single thing we do, we put people first. By giving people more power and control, they are going to trust all the apps we build more and over time use them more,” Zuckerberg told an audience of about 1,700 conference attendees during his keynote.

In coming weeks, Facebook is also looking to bring changes to the redesigned dashboard to give users a better way to manage or remove third-party applications linked to their profiles at the social network.

Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 1.15 billion monthly active users. The move hints to bolster the trust of its more than one billion users.

Anonymous Login, when it becomes universally available will be widely used in view of the laborious sign up process that email mechanism currently supports. Everyone is averse to the idea of filling out forms for a new account, and confirming a password via email.