Home News Facebook stands firm on not withdrawing Internet.org from India

Facebook stands firm on not withdrawing Internet.org from India


Despite so many controversies propagating, on Thursday, Facebook Inc. confirmed that it is not ready to withdraw internet.org, being called as ‘zero rated internet platform,’ at any cost.

As per TOI, this social giant defying the criticism from Department of Telecom (DoT) would rather open up the opportunities for many telecom operators to join it and provide internet access to those who are yet unconnected.

Kevin Martin, VP, Facebook Mobile & Global Access Policy, stated that with internet.org, Facebook is not trying to violate net neutrality principles. Instead, it is offering the developers an amazing opportunity if they can provide lighter versions making use of restricted level of Bandwidth.

Moreover, this earlier Chairman of FCC, US, Martin confirms that Facebook in no case will be taking back this decision of coming up with Internet.org.

He rather wishes to work with other operators and looks particularly anxious about this idea of working in sync with them, says a report from TOI.

He also claimed that it is not a great thing for the companies owning telecom infrastructure to restrict people from where they want to reach through the internet, instead they should have full freedom to explore places they want to.

After Airtel’s launching ‘Airtel Zero’ allowing free access to few websites that lead to a heated debate on net neutrality issue, DoT does not seem to be happy about Facebook’s stand too saying that this step will only favor Facebook as it will provide access to just a few selected applications.

Whatsoever, Facebook looks positive about its decision and says that through internet.org it will be making almost 5 billion people active online in conjugation with mobile partners like Samsung, Reliance Communication as well as Qualcomm.