Home News Facebook rolls out Latest Messenger platform 2.1 with added features to public

Facebook rolls out Latest Messenger platform 2.1 with added features to public


Facebook Inc. (FB) has rolled out its latest and improved ‘Messenger Platform 2.1’ to the public on Thursday, 27th July. In an official event, the head of Facebook’s popular messaging app –Messenger, David Marcus launched the new platform of Messenger with clusters of added features, designed specifically for developers and brands. As revealed by Facebook on the inauguration day, the new features of the Messenger Platform 2.1 are intended to help business, brands, and developers to reach more potential clients globally.

As the media reports quoted the statement of Messenger head David Marcus, even if Wit.ai has always remained NLP accessible to developers and brands, in Messenger Platform 2.1, NLP will be presented as a integrated feature which will detect even more common words and phrases like ‘hello’, ‘bye’,    ‘thank you’, amount of money, date and time, location, contact details, and email addresses as well. Once the Messenger bot tracks down these types of messages from users, it will robotically take action on the Messenger. The built-in NLP is intended to boost up the automated conversations on Messenger platform.

Moreover, it also has come up with Handover protocol for enabling cross app alliance within a single Messenger experience. The integrated transfer protocol feature of the latest platform of Messenger is designed to allow businesses to incorporate more modified and bespoke customer support into the user or consumer experience. By developing various experiences with one single bot, companies can precisely employ it for answering common questions through automation process and then pass it to the live agents on Messenger.

In that way, if there is any specific question that a bot failed to answer, the agent will be capable of providing further assistance to the customer. Among other features, the Messenger Platform 2.1also has come with additional features like Desktop support for Extensions SDK, seamless payments flowed and extended the set of Facebook Page buttons for Messenger to enhance customer experience.