Home News Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the second most followed in US on Twitter

Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the second most followed in US on Twitter

sanjay gupta on twitter

Indian origin neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta has broken up some record by becoming the second most famous doctor in the US. Researchers at Augustana University in the USA did a study #DocsonTwitter where they found out that Mr Gupta has more than 2 million followers on the social networking site Twitter.

Sanjay Gupta came in the limelight when he became the Chief Medical Correspondent for CNN and had won Emmys for this. Other than this he serves as associate chief of the neurosurgery at the Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. If that was not all Mr. Gupta is also an Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Emory University School of Medicine.

The Researchers worked together with internet research firm BrightPlanet to sort through 4,500 users. The first step was to break the account down by age and gender to evaluate the tweets. Although the most followed Twitter accounts belonged to celebrities, public figure, and famous TV personalities. But the growing followers for Mr. Gupta does show a change in the interest of the people.

Mr. Gupta with 2, 031, 428 followers is surpassed by only another doctor who is a famous TV personality. Dr. Drew Pinsky of HLN has a twitter follower of 3.18 million. Mr. Pinsky is a board-certified internist and an addiction medicine specialist. Coming in the third position was doctor Asa Andrew having a 1.03 million followers on Twitter.

According to the study many of the doctors does not share any form of personal business on social media because of the privacy issues related to a patient so they share more about professional and day to day issues. Mr Gupta uses his Twitter handle primarily to give medical advice and opinions on health issues around the world.

According to the biography mentioned about Sanjay Gupta on CNN, it says that he is a practising neurosurgeon who plays a significant role in reporting for CNN about health issues both domestic and international. Along with that, he also covers a range of medical and scientific topics ranging from Ebola Outbreak to brain injury, disaster recovery, military medicine, fitness, etc.

The #DocsonTwitter Study was done to analyse tweeting habits of doctors in the US from 2006 to 2015.