The cosmos is a colossal place and looks endless. It is expanding at a very high rate since the infinitesimal moment of big bang. A bright radio burst, which has been detected by Australia’s Parkes Telescope, can help scientists know what lies in between galaxies in the universe. Scientists from the CSIRO, acronym for Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, witnessed the strange, ultra bright cosmic flash of radio wave last year and also released the details of the analysis.
According to astrophysicist Ryan Shanon from the research organization, the radio pulse must have originated from a faraway galaxy which is a billion light years away. The moment the scientists saw the burst lasted for a millisecond and came from one of the top 10 brightest sources in the entire sky. The flash lasted a third of a millisecond and made it one of the briefest. However, the radio waves were captured by two of the camera pixels, and this enabled the researchers to triangulate its source.
Elaborating further Shannon said that the data suggests that the cosmic web has a weaker magnetic field than our very own Milky Way Galaxy. The data also suggests that there is less turbulent gas within the far-flung galaxy.
Most of the knowledge about deep space is based on hypothesis and it is for the first time that scientists have been able to produce hard evidence about events in deep space. The finding will also help scientists to precisely weigh the Universe. It will also explain how the galaxies grow and evolve and also how the universe became magnetized.