Coolpad launched Mega 2.5D Smartphone at a price tag of Rs. 6,999 and will be available on its first flash sale in Amazon India from 2 pm on August 24, 2016. The registration for the device will commence from Wednesday itself at 5 pm. It must be noted that the Mega 2.5D is much akin to Coolpad Sky 3 which was launched in China less than a month ago. The device has also been initiated in Vietnam and has garnered positive reviews. The device comes from the Chinese consumer electronics giant and is being launched under the Make in India initiative. The Coolpad Mega 2.5D is akin to Coolpad Sky 3 except a few trivial changes. It features budget ranged hardware beneath its hood.
The device runs on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow with the in-house CoolUI 8.0 skin atop. The user interface includes theme support; smart pattern unlocks and a lot of unique features. The device boasts a 5.5-inch HD IPS screen with a resolution of 720 X 1280 pixels and a pixel density of 294ppi. The device runs on the quad-core MediaTek MT6735P SoC and is clocked at 1GHz. The device has a 3GB RAM.
The device has 8MP camera sensors in the front and the back. The primary front camera has a f/2.2 aperture with an 83.6-degree field view and an ‘image beautification’ mode. The rear camera has a f/2.0 aperture and Sony sensor.
The device bears a 16GB internal storage which can be suitably enhanced with the provision of microSD card to 32GB. The device is compatible with 4G LTE including Indian LTE bands and VoLTE. Other connectivity options include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3.5 mm headphone jack and Micro-USB support.
The power source is a 2500mAh battery, and the manufacturer claims will give 9 hours of talk time and a 200 hours standby time. The device is light and weighs 140 grams and is 7.85 mm thick.
The device has been released in Vietnam for 3,999,000 VND which comes out to be Rs. 12,000 which is a bit stiff considering the hardware and other features. Of course, the company has launched the device in the country with a good price tag which is on par with other devices with same specs. The company will be hosting a launch event in the national capital today on Wednesday, August 10.