Home News Chinese artificial Sun discharges UHT of 50 million degrees for 102 Seconds

Chinese artificial Sun discharges UHT of 50 million degrees for 102 Seconds

It has emerged that the artificial sun developed by scientists at Hefei Institute of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Science, has reached a milestone in plasma discharged. The man made Sun realized a pulse plasma discharge for 102 seconds at an ultra-high temperature (UHT) of 50 million degrees.

The pulse plasma discharge lasting 102 seconds is the longest ever attained in such experiment at the ultra-high temperatures. Such a milestone could inspire further artificial sun experimentations by Chinese researchers.

Source of clean energy

According to XuJiannan of the China Academy of Engineering Physics, a man made sun can be a great source of unlimited clean energy. However, achieving that can of energy with an artificial firm requires controlled thermonuclear fusion, Jiannan added.

Imitating processes of real sun

In the case of China’s artificial sun, researchers imitated the natural sun’s processes of producing light and heat. With the natural sun, two members of the hydrogen family known as deuterium and tritium release large amount of energy in the fusion process into a helium atom.

China’s record-setting manmade sun copied exactly the same process to achieve its long discharge rate at such a high temperature of 50 million degrees.

More fusion researches

Xu further said that the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM) and the Chinese Academy are collaborating on more high-power fusion-themed experimentations. The two have already developed an independent study around inertial confinement fusion.

Additionally, they have come up with laser driving devices and a PTS device a well. He said that the PTS device has a current output in the range of 8 to 10 million amps.

The artificial sun project is known as Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST).

Can it solve man’s self-inflicted problems?

It seems to be a long way before an artificial sun can help man escape the dangers resulting from man’s environmental degradation. But the promise of limitless clean energy from an artificial sun seems exciting in a world that is already struggling to cut usage of dirty energy.