Boult, the domestic wearable brand known for its TWS earbuds and speakers has added another product to its portfolio. This time, it is an over-ear wireless headphone named ProBass Anchor that the company has to offer buyers in India. Apart from being wireless and sporting premium looks, the other huge positive with the ProBass Anchor is its Active Noise Cancellation feature. Couple to that the ultra-affordable 3,999 price tag and you surely have a winner here.
Boult ProBass Anchor specs
The headphones come equipped with 40mm drivers which the company said provides for extra bass effect. That said, the enhanced bass effect won’t come at the cost of mid and highs which continue to remain in prominence. What that means is listeners will continue to have a well-balanced sound output even if there is an extra bass effect.
Also of course there is the Active Noise Cancellation feature which helps in getting rid of unwanted sounds in the lower frequency that you’d rather not like listening to. This is a nice feature to have not only while listening to music but is also great during calls, particularly at the price point the headphones are available in.
These apart, the headphones are also compatible with both Siri and Google Assistant. Other features the Boult ProBass Anchor boasts of include a 30-hour battery life which again is commendable enough. The headphone however comes in a single shade of black.
Mention must also be made of the design of the headphones which has a smooth and premium feel to them. The ergonomically designed ultra-soft ear cups are padded with soft protein leather which, together with the lightweight design ensures having the headphone on for long hours is never a chore.
Boult ProBass Anchor price and availability
As already stated, the Boult ProBass Anchor is priced competitively at Rs. 3,999. It can be purchased from the Amazon India site and comes with a warranty of one year.