Bharti Airtel more popularly known simply as Airtel has announced a revision in its mobile prepaid tariff structure which the company said is required to remain profitable. According to Airtel, the price revision which jacks up tariffs by Rs. 20 to Rs. 501 for the most pricey plan has been done so as to keep the mobile Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) at Rs 200 and ultimately at Rs 300. This, Airtel said will ensure enough return on the investment made to remain profitable.
Airtel also stated this is the level of ARPU they need to be able to make further investments in network and spectrum, which includes the rolling out of 5G network in the country. All the revised pricing will come into effect from November 26, 2021. All post-paid tariff remains the same.
Here is the new Airtel prepaid tariff.